Monday, July 23, 2007

Okay, I lied in the previous post.

This post isn't a happy one. Same individual as last posts. Attempts to explain my care for the person or explaining a situation ended in another angry encounter. I know she's going through stressful times. As she made very clear, I don't understand them. But do I need to to care? I don't believe so. Again it is her life. Problems or not they are hers. I will not again try to take them in, for it only seems to make this person very angry.

For the record, I do not lack compassion, I lack patience for being told I'm wrong.

Readers, please know that things withining this post are things that have effected me deeply. If that isn't good enough for SL experiences, then I'm sorry. Enough, time to clear my heart and mind of this whole issue.

A Night of Drama (conclusion)

I am going to simply say, that the drama of the post before has been subtractivly resolved. Anyone's problems are their own, if such a problem is with me, then come make it my problem. Share bits of your life with me, I will hold them in dearest discression with feeling and respect. If for more then that is wished, or you don't trust that i respect or honor what you say, nor our friendship, then don't tell me such things, or don't friend me. It may sound selfish, but if you won't allow me to help you, then please make my life easier by not filling my already sensitive heart with your life issues if you aren't going to trust my respect on them.

Anyway, enough said, hopefully a happy note to come later.

Friday, July 20, 2007

A Night of Drama

This evening within Caledon I occupied myself in conversation that seemed to spin into a telling of bad things that happened within our lives. I won't go into details about the bad things shared with me out of respect, but several times within the conversation the individual to whom i was speaking seemed to wish for a responce. It seemed a specific responce was required. I was unable to guage what responce was expected, nor that a responce we needed, so I stayed silent through her telling. All in all it seemed to be an ordinary conversation with several heartfelt moments. There was mention of my saying something that hurt my fellow chatter, although i'm not quite clear of what that could be. Perhaps it was the mention of my suspecting kids in the very recent break in of my car in RL. I have nothing against children of any age, race, or sex. But who breaks a doorlock on an automobile only to steal two CD's and a half pack of cigarettes? If this wasn't the painful comment then I am clueless. I am sorry for having hurt my partner in conversing, but I am not sorry for being clueless about it. I am not a mind reader, I never have been nor have I any plans to be a mind reader. My entire conversation was not in the intention to cause emotional pain, more to share information and personal history. Confusing moment number 2 happened just before my sign off from SL this evening. When the individual to whom i was chatting made reference to waiting for an answer. A question was not asked! Again I was oblivious.

Please, fellow occupants of Earth, it is necessary to explain things from time to time. Being subtle is good in seduction and sales, not in ordinary conversation.

I am now babbling, goodnight all.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Hello All!

This is my first post to my first blog ever in history, and guess what, it's for my experiences in Second Life. Now this isn't to say rants won't be placed here about things not related to SL, but SL will be the primary focus.

I am a builder in Second Life propigating shops within the group of sims known as the Independant State of Caledon. I have my main shop in Caledon Cay, parcel 1.